For the latest stable version, please use Spring Framework 6.2.0!

Spring JUnit Jupiter Testing Annotations

The following annotations are supported when used in conjunction with the SpringExtension and JUnit Jupiter (that is, the programming model in JUnit 5)


@SpringJUnitConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework. It can be used at the class level as a drop-in replacement for @ContextConfiguration. With regard to configuration options, the only difference between @ContextConfiguration and @SpringJUnitConfig is that component classes may be declared with the value attribute in

The following example shows how to use the @SpringJUnitConfig annotation to specify a configuration

@SpringJUnitConfig(TestConfig.class) (1)
class ConfigurationClassJUnitJupiterSpringTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the configuration class.
@SpringJUnitConfig(TestConfig::class) (1)
class ConfigurationClassJUnitJupiterSpringTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the configuration class.

The following example shows how to use the @SpringJUnitConfig annotation to specify the location of a configuration

@SpringJUnitConfig(locations = "/test-config.xml") (1)
class XmlJUnitJupiterSpringTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the location of a configuration file.
@SpringJUnitConfig(locations = ["/test-config.xml"]) (1)
class XmlJUnitJupiterSpringTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the location of a configuration file.

See Context Management as well as the javadoc for @SpringJUnitConfig and @ContextConfiguration for further


@SpringJUnitWebConfig is a composed annotation that combines @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class) from JUnit Jupiter with @ContextConfiguration and @WebAppConfiguration from the Spring TestContext Framework. You can use it at the class level as a drop-in replacement for @ContextConfiguration and @WebAppConfiguration. With regard to configuration options, the only difference between @ContextConfiguration and @SpringJUnitWebConfig is that you can declare component classes by using the value attribute in @SpringJUnitWebConfig. In addition, you can override the value attribute from @WebAppConfiguration only by using the resourcePath attribute in

The following example shows how to use the @SpringJUnitWebConfig annotation to specify a configuration

@SpringJUnitWebConfig(TestConfig.class) (1)
class ConfigurationClassJUnitJupiterSpringWebTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the configuration class.
@SpringJUnitWebConfig(TestConfig::class) (1)
class ConfigurationClassJUnitJupiterSpringWebTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the configuration class.

The following example shows how to use the @SpringJUnitWebConfig annotation to specify the location of a configuration

@SpringJUnitWebConfig(locations = "/test-config.xml") (1)
class XmlJUnitJupiterSpringWebTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the location of a configuration file.
@SpringJUnitWebConfig(locations = ["/test-config.xml"]) (1)
class XmlJUnitJupiterSpringWebTests {
	// class body...
1 Specify the location of a configuration file.

See Context Management as well as the javadoc for @SpringJUnitWebConfig, @ContextConfiguration, and @WebAppConfiguration for further


@TestConstructor is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how the parameters of a test class constructor are autowired from components in the test’s

If @TestConstructor is not present or meta-present on a test class, the default test constructor autowire mode will be used. See the tip below for details on how to change the default mode. Note, however, that a local declaration of @Autowired on a constructor takes precedence over both @TestConstructor and the default

Changing the default test constructor autowire mode

The default test constructor autowire mode can be changed by setting the spring.test.constructor.autowire.mode JVM system property to all. Alternatively, the default mode may be set via the SpringProperties

As of Spring Framework 5.3, the default mode may also be configured as a JUnit Platform configuration

If the spring.test.constructor.autowire.mode property is not set, test class constructors will not be automatically

As of Spring Framework 5.2, @TestConstructor is only supported in conjunction with the SpringExtension for use with JUnit Jupiter. Note that the SpringExtension is often automatically registered for you – for example, when using annotations such as @SpringJUnitConfig and @SpringJUnitWebConfig or various test-related annotations from Spring Boot Test.


@NestedTestConfiguration is a type-level annotation that is used to configure how Spring test configuration annotations are processed within enclosing class hierarchies for inner test

If @NestedTestConfiguration is not present or meta-present on a test class, in its supertype hierarchy, or in its enclosing class hierarchy, the default enclosing configuration inheritance mode will be used. See the tip below for details on how to change the default

Changing the default enclosing configuration inheritance mode

The default enclosing configuration inheritance mode is INHERIT, but it can be changed by setting the spring.test.enclosing.configuration JVM system property to OVERRIDE. Alternatively, the default mode may be set via the SpringProperties

The Spring TestContext Framework honors @NestedTestConfiguration semantics for the following

The use of @NestedTestConfiguration typically only makes sense in conjunction with @Nested test classes in JUnit Jupiter; however, there may be other testing frameworks with support for Spring and nested test classes that make use of this annotation.

See @Nested test class configuration for an example and further


@EnabledIf is used to signal that the annotated JUnit Jupiter test class or test method is enabled and should be run if the supplied expression evaluates to true. Specifically, if the expression evaluates to Boolean.TRUE or a String equal to true (ignoring case), the test is enabled. When applied at the class level, all test methods within that class are automatically enabled by default as

Expressions can be any of the

Note, however, that a text literal that is not the result of dynamic resolution of a property placeholder is of zero practical value, since @EnabledIf("false") is equivalent to @Disabled and @EnabledIf("true") is logically

You can use @EnabledIf as a meta-annotation to create custom composed annotations. For example, you can create a custom @EnabledOnMac annotation as

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
	expression = "#{systemProperties[''].toLowerCase().contains('mac')}",
	reason = "Enabled on Mac OS"
public @interface EnabledOnMac {}
@Target(AnnotationTarget.TYPE, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
		expression = "#{systemProperties[''].toLowerCase().contains('mac')}",
		reason = "Enabled on Mac OS"
annotation class EnabledOnMac {}

@EnabledOnMac is meant only as an example of what is possible. If you have that exact use case, please use the built-in @EnabledOnOs(MAC) support in JUnit

Since JUnit 5.7, JUnit Jupiter also has a condition annotation named @EnabledIf. Thus, if you wish to use Spring’s @EnabledIf support make sure you import the annotation type from the correct


@DisabledIf is used to signal that the annotated JUnit Jupiter test class or test method is disabled and should not be run if the supplied expression evaluates to true. Specifically, if the expression evaluates to Boolean.TRUE or a String equal to true (ignoring case), the test is disabled. When applied at the class level, all test methods within that class are automatically disabled as

Expressions can be any of the

Note, however, that a text literal that is not the result of dynamic resolution of a property placeholder is of zero practical value, since @DisabledIf("true") is equivalent to @Disabled and @DisabledIf("false") is logically

You can use @DisabledIf as a meta-annotation to create custom composed annotations. For example, you can create a custom @DisabledOnMac annotation as

@Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
	expression = "#{systemProperties[''].toLowerCase().contains('mac')}",
	reason = "Disabled on Mac OS"
public @interface DisabledOnMac {}
@Target(AnnotationTarget.TYPE, AnnotationTarget.FUNCTION)
		expression = "#{systemProperties[''].toLowerCase().contains('mac')}",
		reason = "Disabled on Mac OS"
annotation class DisabledOnMac {}

@DisabledOnMac is meant only as an example of what is possible. If you have that exact use case, please use the built-in @DisabledOnOs(MAC) support in JUnit

Since JUnit 5.7, JUnit Jupiter also has a condition annotation named @DisabledIf. Thus, if you wish to use Spring’s @DisabledIf support make sure you import the annotation type from the correct