For the latest stable version, please use Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.0!

@KafkaListener Attribute Modification

Starting with version 2.7.2, you can now programmatically modify annotation attributes before the container is created. To do so, add one or more KafkaListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor.AnnotationEnhancer to the application context. AnnotationEnhancer is a BiFunction<Map<String, Object>, AnnotatedElement, Map<String, Object> and must return a map of attributes. The attribute values can contain SpEL and/or property placeholders; the enhancer is called before any resolution is performed. If more than one enhancer is present, and they implement Ordered, they will be invoked in

AnnotationEnhancer bean definitions must be declared static because they are required very early in the application context’s lifecycle.

An example

public static AnnotationEnhancer groupIdEnhancer() {
    return (attrs, element) -> {
        attrs.put("groupId", attrs.get("id") + "." + (element instanceof Class
                ? ((Class<?>) element).getSimpleName()
                : ((Method) element).getDeclaringClass().getSimpleName()
                        +  "." + ((Method) element).getName()));
        return attrs;