Default Tenant / Namespace

Pulsar has built-in support for multi-tenancy. When producing or consuming messages in Pulsar, the specified topic is actually a topic URL of the following


The URL dictates which tenant and namespace the operation is targeted against. However, when not fully-qualified (i.e. only topic name is specified), the default tenant of public and namespace of default is

Spring for Apache Pulsar allows you to specify a default tenant and/or namespace to use when producing or consuming messages against a non-fully-qualified topic


With Spring Boot

When using the Spring Boot you can simply set the spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.tenant and spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.namespace application properties to specify these

If you want to disable this feature, simply set the spring.pulsar.defaults.topic.enabled property to

Without Spring Boot

However, if you are instead manually configuring the components, you will have to provide a PulsarTopicBuilder configured with the desired default topic and namespace when constructing the corresponding producer or consumer factory. All default consumer/reader/producer factory implementations (imperative and reactive) allow a topic builder to be

You will need to specify the topic builder on each manually configured factory that you want to use the default tenant/namespace