This version is still in development and is not considered stable yet. For the latest stable version, please use Spring AMQP 3.2.0! |
Annotation-driven Listener Endpoints
The easiest way to receive a message asynchronously is to use the annotated listener endpoint infrastructure.
In a nutshell, it lets you expose a method of a managed bean as a Rabbit listener endpoint.
The following example shows how to use the @RabbitListener
public class MyService {
@RabbitListener(queues = "myQueue")
public void processOrder(String data) {
The idea of the preceding example is that, whenever a message is available on the queue named myQueue
, the processOrder
method is invoked accordingly (in this case, with the payload of the message).
The annotated endpoint infrastructure creates a message listener container behind the scenes for each annotated method, by using a RabbitListenerContainerFactory
In the preceding example, myQueue
must already exist and be bound to some exchange.
The queue can be declared and bound automatically, as long as a RabbitAdmin
exists in the application context.
Property placeholders (${} ) or SpEL expressions (#{someExpression} ) can be specified for the annotation properties (queues etc).
See Listening to Multiple Queues for an example of why you might use SpEL instead of a property placeholder.
The following listing shows three examples of how to declare a Rabbit listener:
public class MyService {
@RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding(
value = @Queue(value = "myQueue", durable = "true"),
exchange = @Exchange(value = "auto.exch", ignoreDeclarationExceptions = "true"),
key = "orderRoutingKey")
public void processOrder(Order order) {
@RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding(
value = @Queue,
exchange = @Exchange(value = "auto.exch"),
key = "invoiceRoutingKey")
public void processInvoice(Invoice invoice) {
@RabbitListener(queuesToDeclare = @Queue(name = "${my.queue}", durable = "true"))
public String handleWithSimpleDeclare(String data) {
In the first example, a queue myQueue
is declared automatically (durable) together with the exchange, if needed,
and bound to the exchange with the routing key.
In the second example, an anonymous (exclusive, auto-delete) queue is declared and bound; the queue name is created by the framework using the Base64UrlNamingStrategy
You cannot declare broker-named queues using this technique; they need to be declared as bean definitions; see Containers and Broker-Named queues.
Multiple QueueBinding
entries can be provided, letting the listener listen to multiple queues.
In the third example, a queue with the name retrieved from property my.queue
is declared, if necessary, with the default binding to the default exchange using the queue name as the routing key.
Since version 2.0, the @Exchange
annotation supports any exchange types, including custom.
For more information, see AMQP Concepts.
You can use normal @Bean
definitions when you need more advanced configuration.
Notice ignoreDeclarationExceptions
on the exchange in the first example.
This allows, for example, binding to an existing exchange that might have different settings (such as internal
By default, the properties of an existing exchange must match.
Starting with version 2.0, you can now bind a queue to an exchange with multiple routing keys, as the following example shows:
key = { "red", "yellow" }
You can also specify arguments within @QueueBinding
annotations for queues, exchanges,
and bindings, as the following example shows:
@RabbitListener(bindings = @QueueBinding(
value = @Queue(value = "auto.headers", autoDelete = "true",
arguments = @Argument(name = "x-message-ttl", value = "10000",
type = "java.lang.Integer")),
exchange = @Exchange(value = "auto.headers", type = ExchangeTypes.HEADERS, autoDelete = "true"),
arguments = {
@Argument(name = "x-match", value = "all"),
@Argument(name = "thing1", value = "somevalue"),
@Argument(name = "thing2")
public String handleWithHeadersExchange(String foo) {
Notice that the x-message-ttl
argument is set to 10 seconds for the queue.
Since the argument type is not String
, we have to specify its type — in this case, Integer
As with all such declarations, if the queue already exists, the arguments must match those on the queue.
For the header exchange, we set the binding arguments to match messages that have the thing1
header set to somevalue
, and
the thing2
header must be present with any value.
The x-match
argument means both conditions must be satisfied.
The argument name, value, and type can be property placeholders (${…}
) or SpEL expressions (#{…}
The name
must resolve to a String
The expression for type
must resolve to a Class
or the fully-qualified name of a class.
The value
must resolve to something that can be converted by the DefaultConversionService
to the type (such as the x-message-ttl
in the preceding example).
If a name resolves to null
or an empty String
, that @Argument
is ignored.