Spring Cloud Config Server

Spring Cloud Config Server provides an HTTP resource-based API for external configuration (name-value pairs or equivalent YAML content). The server is embeddable in a Spring Boot application, by using the @EnableConfigServer annotation. Consequently, the following application is a config server:spring-doc.cn

public class ConfigServer {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    SpringApplication.run(ConfigServer.class, args);

Like all Spring Boot applications, it runs on port 8080 by default, but you can switch it to the more conventional port 8888 in various ways. The easiest, which also sets a default configuration repository, is by launching it with spring.config.name=configserver (there is a configserver.yml in the Config Server jar). Another is to use your own application.properties, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

server.port: 8888
spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri: file://${user.home}/config-repo

where ${user.home}/config-repo is a git repository containing YAML and properties files.spring-doc.cn

On Windows, you need an extra "/" in the file URL if it is absolute with a drive prefix (for example,file:///${user.home}/config-repo).

The following listing shows a recipe for creating the git repository in the preceding example:spring-doc.cn

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir config-repo
$ cd config-repo
$ git init .
$ echo info.foo: bar > application.properties
$ git add -A .
$ git commit -m "Add application.properties"
Using the local filesystem for your git repository is intended for testing only. You should use a server to host your configuration repositories in production.
The initial clone of your configuration repository can be quick and efficient if you keep only text files in it. If you store binary files, especially large ones, you may experience delays on the first request for configuration or encounter out of memory errors in the server.

Environment Repository

Where should you store the configuration data for the Config Server? The strategy that governs this behaviour is the EnvironmentRepository, serving Environment objects. This Environment is a shallow copy of the domain from the Spring Environment (including propertySources as the main feature). The Environment resources are parametrized by three variables:spring-doc.cn

  • {application}, which maps to spring.application.name on the client side.spring-doc.cn

  • {profile}, which maps to spring.profiles.active on the client (comma-separated list).spring-doc.cn

  • {label}, which is a server side feature labelling a "versioned" set of config files.spring-doc.cn

Repository implementations generally behave like a Spring Boot application, loading configuration files from a spring.config.name equal to the {application} parameter, and spring.profiles.active equal to the {profiles} parameter. Precedence rules for profiles are also the same as in a regular Spring Boot application: Active profiles take precedence over defaults, and, if there are multiple profiles, the last one wins (similar to adding entries to a Map).spring-doc.cn

The following sample client application has this bootstrap configuration:spring-doc.cn

    name: foo
    active: dev,mysql

(As usual with a Spring Boot application, these properties could also be set by environment variables or command line arguments).spring-doc.cn

If the repository is file-based, the server creates an Environment from application.yml (shared between all clients) and foo.yml (with foo.yml taking precedence). If the YAML files have documents inside them that point to Spring profiles, those are applied with higher precedence (in order of the profiles listed). If there are profile-specific YAML (or properties) files, these are also applied with higher precedence than the defaults. Higher precedence translates to a PropertySource listed earlier in the Environment. (These same rules apply in a standalone Spring Boot application.)spring-doc.cn

You can set spring.cloud.config.server.accept-empty to false so that Server would return a HTTP 404 status, if the application is not found.By default, this flag is set to true.spring-doc.cn

Git Backend

The default implementation of EnvironmentRepository uses a Git backend, which is very convenient for managing upgrades and physical environments and for auditing changes. To change the location of the repository, you can set the spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri configuration property in the Config Server (for example in application.yml). If you set it with a file: prefix, it should work from a local repository so that you can get started quickly and easily without a server. However, in that case, the server operates directly on the local repository without cloning it (it does not matter if it is not bare because the Config Server never makes changes to the "remote" repository). To scale the Config Server up and make it highly available, you need to have all instances of the server pointing to the same repository, so only a shared file system would work. Even in that case, it is better to use the ssh: protocol for a shared filesystem repository, so that the server can clone it and use a local working copy as a cache.spring-doc.cn

This repository implementation maps the {label} parameter of the HTTP resource to a git label (commit id, branch name, or tag). If the git branch or tag name contains a slash (/), then the label in the HTTP URL should instead be specified with the special string (_) (to avoid ambiguity with other URL paths). For example, if the label is foo/bar, replacing the slash would result in the following label: foo(_)bar. The inclusion of the special string (_) can also be applied to the {application} parameter. If you use a command-line client such as curl, be careful with the brackets in the URL — you should escape them from the shell with single quotes ('').spring-doc.cn

Skipping SSL Certificate Validation

The configuration server’s validation of the Git server’s SSL certificate can be disabled by setting the git.skipSslValidation property to true (default is false).spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://example.com/my/repo
          skipSslValidation: true
Setting HTTP Connection Timeout

You can configure the time, in seconds, that the configuration server will wait to acquire an HTTP connection. Use the git.timeout property.spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://example.com/my/repo
          timeout: 4
Placeholders in Git URI

Spring Cloud Config Server supports a git repository URL with placeholders for the {application} and {profile} (and {label} if you need it, but remember that the label is applied as a git label anyway). So you can support a “one repository per application” policy by using a structure similar to the following:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/myorg/{application}

You can also support a “one repository per profile” policy by using a similar pattern but with {profile}.spring-doc.cn

Additionally, using the special string "(_)" within your {application} parameters can enable support for multiple organizations, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/{application}

where {application} is provided at request time in the following format: organization(_)application.spring-doc.cn

Pattern Matching and Multiple Repositories

Spring Cloud Config also includes support for more complex requirements with pattern matching on the application and profile name. The pattern format is a comma-separated list of {application}/{profile} names with wildcards (note that a pattern beginning with a wildcard may need to be quoted), as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
            simple: https://github.com/simple/config-repo
              pattern: special*/dev*,*special*/dev*
              uri: https://github.com/special/config-repo
              pattern: local*
              uri: file:/home/configsvc/config-repo

If {application}/{profile} does not match any of the patterns, it uses the default URI defined under spring.cloud.config.server.git.uri. In the above example, for the “simple” repository, the pattern is simple/* (it only matches one application named simple in all profiles). The “local” repository matches all application names beginning with local in all profiles (the /* suffix is added automatically to any pattern that does not have a profile matcher).spring-doc.cn

The “one-liner” short cut used in the “simple” example can be used only if the only property to be set is the URI. If you need to set anything else (credentials, pattern, and so on) you need to use the full form.

The pattern property in the repo is actually an array, so you can use a YAML array (or [0], [1], etc. suffixes in properties files) to bind to multiple patterns. You may need to do so if you are going to run apps with multiple profiles, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
                - '*/development'
                - '*/staging'
              uri: https://github.com/development/config-repo
                - '*/qa'
                - '*/production'
              uri: https://github.com/staging/config-repo
Spring Cloud guesses that a pattern containing a profile that does not end in * implies that you actually want to match a list of profiles starting with this pattern (so */staging is a shortcut for ["*/staging", "*/staging,*"], and so on). This is common where, for instance, you need to run applications in the “development” profile locally but also the “cloud” profile remotely.

Every repository can also optionally store config files in sub-directories, and patterns to search for those directories can be specified as search-paths. The following example shows a config file at the top level:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
            - foo
            - bar*

In the preceding example, the server searches for config files in the top level and in the foo/ sub-directory and also any sub-directory whose name begins with bar.spring-doc.cn

By default, the server clones remote repositories when configuration is first requested. The server can be configured to clone the repositories at startup, as shown in the following top-level example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://git/common/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-a-*
                cloneOnStart: true
                uri: https://git/team-a/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-b-*
                cloneOnStart: false
                uri: https://git/team-b/config-repo.git
                pattern: team-c-*
                uri: https://git/team-a/config-repo.git

In the preceding example, the server clones team-a’s config-repo on startup, before it accepts any requests. All other repositories are not cloned until configuration from the repository is requested.spring-doc.cn

Setting a repository to be cloned when the Config Server starts up can help to identify a misconfigured configuration source (such as an invalid repository URI) quickly, while the Config Server is starting up. With cloneOnStart not enabled for a configuration source, the Config Server may start successfully with a misconfigured or invalid configuration source and not detect an error until an application requests configuration from that configuration source.

To use HTTP basic authentication on the remote repository, add the username and password properties separately (not in the URL), as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          username: trolley
          password: strongpassword

If you do not use HTTPS and user credentials, SSH should also work out of the box when you store keys in the default directories (~/.ssh) and the URI points to an SSH location, such as [email protected]:configuration/cloud-configuration. It is important that an entry for the Git server be present in the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file and that it is in ssh-rsa format. Other formats (such as ecdsa-sha2-nistp256) are not supported. To avoid surprises, you should ensure that only one entry is present in the known_hosts file for the Git server and that it matches the URL you provided to the config server. If you use a hostname in the URL, you want to have exactly that (not the IP) in the known_hosts file. The repository is accessed by using JGit, so any documentation you find on that should be applicable. HTTPS proxy settings can be set in ~/.git/config or (in the same way as for any other JVM process) with system properties (-Dhttps.proxyHost and -Dhttps.proxyPort).spring-doc.cn

If you do not know where your ~/.git directory is, use git config --global to manipulate the settings (for example, git config --global http.sslVerify false).

JGit requires RSA keys in PEM format. Below is an example ssh-keygen (from openssh) command that will generate a key in the corect format:spring-doc.cn

ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/config_server_deploy_key.rsa

Warning: When working with SSH keys, the expected ssh private-key must begin with -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----. If the key starts with -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- then the RSA key will not load when spring-cloud-config server is started. The error looks like:spring-doc.cn

- Error in object 'spring.cloud.config.server.git': codes [PrivateKeyIsValid.spring.cloud.config.server.git,PrivateKeyIsValid]; arguments [org.springframework.context.support.DefaultMessageSourceResolvable: codes [spring.cloud.config.server.git.,]; arguments []; default message []]; default message [Property 'spring.cloud.config.server.git.privateKey' is not a valid private key]

To correct the above error the RSA key must be converted to PEM format. An example using openssh is provided above for generating a new key in the appropriate format.spring-doc.cn

Authentication with AWS CodeCommit

Spring Cloud Config Server also supports AWS CodeCommit authentication. AWS CodeCommit uses an authentication helper when using Git from the command line. This helper is not used with the JGit library, so a JGit CredentialProvider for AWS CodeCommit is created if the Git URI matches the AWS CodeCommit pattern. AWS CodeCommit URIs follow this pattern:spring-doc.cn


If you provide a username and password with an AWS CodeCommit URI, they must be the AWS accessKeyId and secretAccessKey that provide access to the repository. If you do not specify a username and password, the accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are retrieved by using the AWS Default Credential Provider Chain.spring-doc.cn

If your Git URI matches the CodeCommit URI pattern (shown earlier), you must provide valid AWS credentials in the username and password or in one of the locations supported by the default credential provider chain. AWS EC2 instances may use IAM Roles for EC2 Instances.spring-doc.cn

The aws-java-sdk-core jar is an optional dependency. If the aws-java-sdk-core jar is not on your classpath, the AWS Code Commit credential provider is not created, regardless of the git server URI.
Authentication with Google Cloud Source

Spring Cloud Config Server also supports authenticating against Google Cloud Source repositories.spring-doc.cn

If your Git URI uses the http or https protocol and the domain name is source.developers.google.com, the Google Cloud Source credentials provider will be used. A Google Cloud Source repository URI has the format https://source.developers.google.com/p/${GCP_PROJECT}/r/${REPO}. To obtain the URI for your repository, click on "Clone" in the Google Cloud Source UI, and select "Manually generated credentials". Do not generate any credentials, simply copy the displayed URI.spring-doc.cn

The Google Cloud Source credentials provider will use Google Cloud Platform application default credentials. See Google Cloud SDK documentation on how to create application default credentials for a system. This approach will work for user accounts in dev environments and for service accounts in production environments.spring-doc.cn

com.google.auth:google-auth-library-oauth2-http is an optional dependency. If the google-auth-library-oauth2-http jar is not on your classpath, the Google Cloud Source credential provider is not created, regardless of the git server URI.
Git SSH configuration using properties

By default, the JGit library used by Spring Cloud Config Server uses SSH configuration files such as ~/.ssh/known_hosts and /etc/ssh/ssh_config when connecting to Git repositories by using an SSH URI. In cloud environments such as Cloud Foundry, the local filesystem may be ephemeral or not easily accessible. For those cases, SSH configuration can be set by using Java properties. In order to activate property-based SSH configuration, the spring.cloud.config.server.git.ignoreLocalSshSettings property must be set to true, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

            uri: [email protected]:team/repo1.git
            ignoreLocalSshSettings: true
            hostKey: someHostKey
            hostKeyAlgorithm: ssh-rsa
            privateKey: |
                         -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
                         -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----

The following table describes the SSH configuration properties.spring-doc.cn

Table 1. SSH Configuration Properties
Property Name Remarks


If true, use property-based instead of file-based SSH config. Must be set at as spring.cloud.config.server.git.ignoreLocalSshSettings, not inside a repository definition.spring-doc.cn


Valid SSH private key. Must be set if ignoreLocalSshSettings is true and Git URI is SSH format.spring-doc.cn


Valid SSH host key. Must be set if hostKeyAlgorithm is also set.spring-doc.cn


One of ssh-dss, ssh-rsa, ssh-ed25519, ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521. Must be set if hostKey is also set.spring-doc.cn


true or false. If false, ignore errors with host key.spring-doc.cn


Location of custom .known_hosts file.spring-doc.cn


Override server authentication method order. This should allow for evading login prompts if server has keyboard-interactive authentication before the publickey method.spring-doc.cn

Placeholders in Git Search Paths

Spring Cloud Config Server also supports a search path with placeholders for the {application} and {profile} (and {label} if you need it), as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          search-paths: '{application}'

The preceding listing causes a search of the repository for files in the same name as the directory (as well as the top level). Wildcards are also valid in a search path with placeholders (any matching directory is included in the search).spring-doc.cn

Force pull in Git Repositories

As mentioned earlier, Spring Cloud Config Server makes a clone of the remote git repository in case the local copy gets dirty (for example, folder content changes by an OS process) such that Spring Cloud Config Server cannot update the local copy from remote repository.spring-doc.cn

To solve this issue, there is a force-pull property that makes Spring Cloud Config Server force pull from the remote repository if the local copy is dirty, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          force-pull: true

If you have a multiple-repositories configuration, you can configure the force-pull property per repository, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://git/common/config-repo.git
          force-pull: true
                pattern: team-a-*
                uri: https://git/team-a/config-repo.git
                force-pull: true
                pattern: team-b-*
                uri: https://git/team-b/config-repo.git
                force-pull: true
                pattern: team-c-*
                uri: https://git/team-a/config-repo.git
The default value for force-pull property is false.
Deleting untracked branches in Git Repositories

As Spring Cloud Config Server has a clone of the remote git repository after check-outing branch to local repo (e.g fetching properties by label) it will keep this branch forever or till the next server restart (which creates new local repo). So there could be a case when remote branch is deleted but local copy of it is still available for fetching. And if Spring Cloud Config Server client service starts with --spring.cloud.config.label=deletedRemoteBranch,master it will fetch properties from deletedRemoteBranch local branch, but not from master.spring-doc.cn

In order to keep local repository branches clean and up to remote - deleteUntrackedBranches property could be set. It will make Spring Cloud Config Server force delete untracked branches from local repository. Example:spring-doc.cn

          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
          deleteUntrackedBranches: true
The default value for deleteUntrackedBranches property is false.
Git Refresh Rate

You can control how often the config server will fetch updated configuration data from your Git backend by using spring.cloud.config.server.git.refreshRate. The value of this property is specified in seconds. By default the value is 0, meaning the config server will fetch updated configuration from the Git repo every time it is requested.spring-doc.cn

Default Label

The default label used for Git is main. If you do not set spring.cloud.config.server.git.defaultLabel and a branch named main does not exist, the config server will by default also try to checkout a branch named master. If you would like to disable to the fallback branch behavior you can set spring.cloud.config.server.git.tryMasterBranch to false.spring-doc.cn

Version Control Backend Filesystem Use

With VCS-based backends (git, svn), files are checked out or cloned to the local filesystem. By default, they are put in the system temporary directory with a prefix of config-repo-. On linux, for example, it could be /tmp/config-repo-<randomid>. Some operating systems routinely clean out temporary directories. This can lead to unexpected behavior, such as missing properties. To avoid this problem, change the directory that Config Server uses by setting spring.cloud.config.server.git.basedir or spring.cloud.config.server.svn.basedir to a directory that does not reside in the system temp structure.

File System Backend

There is also a “native” profile in the Config Server that does not use Git but loads the config files from the local classpath or file system (any static URL you want to point to with spring.cloud.config.server.native.searchLocations). To use the native profile, launch the Config Server with spring.profiles.active=native.spring-doc.cn

Remember to use the file: prefix for file resources (the default without a prefix is usually the classpath). As with any Spring Boot configuration, you can embed ${}-style environment placeholders, but remember that absolute paths in Windows require an extra / (for example, file:///${user.home}/config-repo).
The default value of the searchLocations is identical to a local Spring Boot application (that is, [classpath:/, classpath:/config, file:./, file:./config]). This does not expose the application.properties from the server to all clients, because any property sources present in the server are removed before being sent to the client.
A filesystem backend is great for getting started quickly and for testing. To use it in production, you need to be sure that the file system is reliable and shared across all instances of the Config Server.

The search locations can contain placeholders for {application}, {profile}, and {label}. In this way, you can segregate the directories in the path and choose a strategy that makes sense for you (such as subdirectory per application or subdirectory per profile).spring-doc.cn

If you do not use placeholders in the search locations, this repository also appends the {label} parameter of the HTTP resource to a suffix on the search path, so properties files are loaded from each search location and a subdirectory with the same name as the label (the labelled properties take precedence in the Spring Environment). Thus, the default behaviour with no placeholders is the same as adding a search location ending with /{label}/. For example, file:/tmp/config is the same as file:/tmp/config,file:/tmp/config/{label}. This behavior can be disabled by setting spring.cloud.config.server.native.addLabelLocations=false.spring-doc.cn

Vault Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server also supports Vault as a backend.spring-doc.cn

Vault is a tool for securely accessing secrets. A secret is anything that to which you want to tightly control access, such as API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive information. Vault provides a unified interface to any secret while providing tight access control and recording a detailed audit log.spring-doc.cn

For more information on Vault, see the Vault quick start guide.spring-doc.cn

To enable the config server to use a Vault backend, you can run your config server with the vault profile. For example, in your config server’s application.properties, you can add spring.profiles.active=vault.spring-doc.cn

By default, Spring Cloud Config Server uses Token based Authentication to fetch config from Vault. Vault also supports additional authentication methods like AppRole, LDAP, JWT, CloudFoundry, Kubernetes Auth. In order to use any authentication method other than TOKEN or the X-Config-Token header, we need to have Spring Vault Core on the classpath so that Config Server can delegate authentication to that library. Please add the below dependencies to your Config Server App.spring-doc.cn

Maven (pom.xml)spring-doc.cn


Gradle (build.gradle)spring-doc.cn

dependencies {
    implementation "org.springframework.vault:spring-vault-core"

By default, the config server assumes that your Vault server runs at It also assumes that the name of backend is secret and the key is application. All of these defaults can be configured in your config server’s application.properties. The following table describes configurable Vault properties:spring-doc.cn

Name Default Value




















All of the properties in the preceding table must be prefixed with spring.cloud.config.server.vault or placed in the correct Vault section of a composite configuration.

All configurable properties can be found in org.springframework.cloud.config.server.environment.VaultEnvironmentProperties.spring-doc.cn

Vault 0.10.0 introduced a versioned key-value backend (k/v backend version 2) that exposes a different API than earlier versions, it now requires a data/ between the mount path and the actual context path and wraps secrets in a data object. Setting spring.cloud.config.server.vault.kv-version=2 will take this into account.

Optionally, there is support for the Vault Enterprise X-Vault-Namespace header. To have it sent to Vault set the namespace property.spring-doc.cn

With your config server running, you can make HTTP requests to the server to retrieve values from the Vault backend. To do so, you need a token for your Vault server.spring-doc.cn

First, place some data in you Vault, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ vault kv put secret/application foo=bar baz=bam
$ vault kv put secret/myapp foo=myappsbar

Second, make an HTTP request to your config server to retrieve the values, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ curl -X "GET" "http://localhost:8888/myapp/default" -H "X-Config-Token: yourtoken"spring-doc.cn

You should see a response similar to the following:spring-doc.cn


The default way for a client to provide the necessary authentication to let Config Server talk to Vault is to set the X-Config-Token header. However, you can instead omit the header and configure the authentication in the server, by setting the same configuration properties as Spring Cloud Vault. The property to set is spring.cloud.config.server.vault.authentication. It should be set to one of the supported authentication methods. You may also need to set other properties specific to the authentication method you use, by using the same property names as documented for spring.cloud.vault but instead using the spring.cloud.config.server.vault prefix. See the Spring Cloud Vault Reference Guide for more detail.spring-doc.cn

If you omit the X-Config-Token header and use a server property to set the authentication, the Config Server application needs an additional dependency on Spring Vault to enable the additional authentication options. See the Spring Vault Reference Guide for how to add that dependency.
Multiple Properties Sources

When using Vault, you can provide your applications with multiple properties sources. For example, assume you have written data to the following paths in Vault:spring-doc.cn


Properties written to secret/application are available to all applications using the Config Server. An application with the name, myApp, would have any properties written to secret/myApp and secret/application available to it. When myApp has the dev profile enabled, properties written to all of the above paths would be available to it, with properties in the first path in the list taking priority over the others.spring-doc.cn

Accessing Backends Through a Proxy

The configuration server can access a Git or Vault backend through an HTTP or HTTPS proxy. This behavior is controlled for either Git or Vault by settings under proxy.http and proxy.https. These settings are per repository, so if you are using a composite environment repository you must configure proxy settings for each backend in the composite individually. If using a network which requires separate proxy servers for HTTP and HTTPS URLs, you can configure both the HTTP and the HTTPS proxy settings for a single backend: in this case http access will use http proxy and https access the https one. Also, you may specify one sole proxy that will be used for both protocols using the proxy definition protocol between application and proxy.spring-doc.cn

The following table describes the proxy configuration properties for both HTTP and HTTPS proxies. All of these properties must be prefixed by proxy.http or proxy.https.spring-doc.cn

Table 2. Proxy Configuration Properties
Property Name Remarks


The host of the proxy.spring-doc.cn


The port with which to access the proxy.spring-doc.cn


Any hosts which the configuration server should access outside the proxy. If values are provided for both proxy.http.nonProxyHosts and proxy.https.nonProxyHosts, the proxy.http value will be used.spring-doc.cn


The username with which to authenticate to the proxy. If values are provided for both proxy.http.username and proxy.https.username, the proxy.http value will be used.spring-doc.cn


The password with which to authenticate to the proxy. If values are provided for both proxy.http.password and proxy.https.password, the proxy.http value will be used.spring-doc.cn

The following configuration uses an HTTPS proxy to access a Git repository.spring-doc.cn

    active: git
          uri: https://github.com/spring-cloud-samples/config-repo
              host: my-proxy.host.io
              password: myproxypassword
              port: '3128'
              username: myproxyusername
              nonProxyHosts: example.com

Sharing Configuration With All Applications

Sharing configuration between all applications varies according to which approach you take, as described in the following topics:spring-doc.cn

File Based Repositories

With file-based (git, svn, and native) repositories, resources with file names in application* (application.properties, application.yml, application-*.properties, and so on) are shared between all client applications. You can use resources with these file names to configure global defaults and have them be overridden by application-specific files as necessary.spring-doc.cn

The property overrides feature can also be used for setting global defaults, with placeholders applications allowed to override them locally.spring-doc.cn

With the “native” profile (a local file system backend) , you should use an explicit search location that is not part of the server’s own configuration. Otherwise, the application* resources in the default search locations get removed because they are part of the server.
Vault Server

When using Vault as a backend, you can share configuration with all applications by placing configuration in secret/application. For example, if you run the following Vault command, all applications using the config server will have the properties foo and baz available to them:spring-doc.cn

$ vault write secret/application foo=bar baz=bam
CredHub Server

When using CredHub as a backend, you can share configuration with all applications by placing configuration in /application/ or by placing it in the default profile for the application. For example, if you run the following CredHub command, all applications using the config server will have the properties shared.color1 and shared.color2 available to them:spring-doc.cn

credhub set --name "/application/profile/master/shared" --type=json
value: {"shared.color1": "blue", "shared.color": "red"}
credhub set --name "/my-app/default/master/more-shared" --type=json
value: {"shared.word1": "hello", "shared.word2": "world"}

AWS Secrets Manager

When using AWS Secrets Manager as a backend, you can share configuration with all applications by placing configuration in /application/ or by placing it in the default profile for the application. For example, if you add secrets with the following keys, all application using the config server will have the properties shared.foo and shared.bar available to them:spring-doc.cn

secret name = /secret/application-default/
secret value =
 shared.foo: foo,
 shared.bar: bar
secret name = /secret/application/
secret value =
 shared.foo: foo,
 shared.bar: bar
AWS Parameter Store

When using AWS Parameter Store as a backend, you can share configuration with all applications by placing properties within the /application hierarchy.spring-doc.cn

For example, if you add parameters with the following names, all applications using the config server will have the properties foo.bar and fred.baz available to them:spring-doc.cn


JDBC Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports JDBC (relational database) as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding spring-jdbc to the classpath and using the jdbc profile or by adding a bean of type JdbcEnvironmentRepository. If you include the right dependencies on the classpath (see the user guide for more details on that), Spring Boot configures a data source.spring-doc.cn

You can disable autoconfiguration for JdbcEnvironmentRepository by setting the spring.cloud.config.server.jdbc.enabled property to false.spring-doc.cn

The database needs to have a table called PROPERTIES with columns called APPLICATION, PROFILE, and LABEL (with the usual Environment meaning), plus KEY and VALUE for the key and value pairs in Properties style. All fields are of type String in Java, so you can make them VARCHAR of whatever length you need. Property values behave in the same way as they would if they came from Spring Boot properties files named {application}-{profile}.properties, including all the encryption and decryption, which will be applied as post-processing steps (that is, not in the repository implementation directly).spring-doc.cn

The default label used for JDBC is master. You can change that by setting spring.cloud.config.server.jdbc.defaultLabel.

Redis Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports Redis as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding a dependency to Spring Data Redis.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses Spring Data RedisTemplate to access a Redis. We can use spring.redis.* properties to override default connection settings.spring-doc.cn

    active: redis
    host: redis
    port: 16379

The properties should be stored as fields in a hash. The name of hash should be the same as spring.application.name property or conjunction of spring.application.name and spring.profiles.active[n].spring-doc.cn

HMSET sample-app server.port "8100" sample.topic.name "test" test.property1 "property1"

After running the command visible above a hash should contain the following keys with values:spring-doc.cn

HGETALL sample-app
  "server.port": "8100",
  "sample.topic.name": "test",
  "test.property1": "property1"
When no profile is specified default will be used.

AWS S3 Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports AWS S3 as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding a dependency to the AWS Java SDK For Amazon S3.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses the AWS S3 client to access configuration files. We can use spring.cloud.config.server.awss3.* properties to select the bucket where your configuration is stored.spring-doc.cn

    active: awss3
          region: us-east-1
          bucket: bucket1

It is also possible to specify an AWS URL to override the standard endpoint of your S3 service with spring.cloud.config.server.awss3.endpoint. This allows support for beta regions of S3, and other S3 compatible storage APIs.spring-doc.cn

Credentials are found using the Default AWS Credential Provider Chain. Versioned and encrypted buckets are supported without further configuration.spring-doc.cn

Configuration files are stored in your bucket as {application}-{profile}.properties, {application}-{profile}.yml or {application}-{profile}.json. An optional label can be provided to specify a directory path to the file.spring-doc.cn

When no profile is specified default will be used.

AWS Parameter Store Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports AWS Parameter Store as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding a dependency to the AWS Java SDK for SSM.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses the AWS SSM client to access parameters.spring-doc.cn

    active: awsparamstore
          region: eu-west-2
          endpoint: https://ssm.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com
          origin: aws:parameter:
          prefix: /config/service
          profile-separator: _
          recursive: true
          decrypt-values: true
          max-results: 5

The following table describes the AWS Parameter Store configuration properties.spring-doc.cn

Table 3. AWS Parameter Store Configuration Properties
Property Name Required Default Value Remarks



The region to be used by the AWS Parameter Store client. If it’s not explicitly set, the SDK tries to determine the region to use by using the Default Region Provider Chain.spring-doc.cn



The URL of the entry point for the AWS SSM client. This can be used to specify an alternate endpoint for the API requests.spring-doc.cn




The prefix that is added to the property source’s name to show their provenance.spring-doc.cn




Prefix indicating L1 level in the parameter hierarchy for every property loaded from the AWS Parameter Store.spring-doc.cn




String that separates an appended profile from the context name.spring-doc.cn




Flag to indicate the retrieval of all AWS parameters within a hierarchy.spring-doc.cn




Flag to indicate the retrieval of all AWS parameters with their value decrypted.spring-doc.cn




The maximum number of items to return for an AWS Parameter Store API call.spring-doc.cn

AWS Parameter Store API credentials are determined using the Default Credential Provider Chain. Versioned parameters are already supported with the default behaviour of returning the latest version.spring-doc.cn

  • When no application is specified application is the default, and when no profile is specified default is used.spring-doc.cn

  • Valid values for awsparamstore.prefix must start with a forward slash followed by one or more valid path segments or be empty.spring-doc.cn

  • Valid values for awsparamstore.profile-separator can only contain dots, dashes and underscores.spring-doc.cn

  • Valid values for awsparamstore.max-results must be within the [1, 10] range.spring-doc.cn

AWS Secrets Manager Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports AWS Secrets Manager as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding a dependency to AWS Java SDK for Secrets Manager.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses the AWS Secrets Manager client to access secrets.spring-doc.cn

  	active: awssecretsmanager
          region: us-east-1
          endpoint: https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/
          origin: aws:secrets:
          prefix: /secret/foo
          profileSeparator: _

AWS Secrets Manager API credentials are determined using Default Credential Provider Chain.spring-doc.cn

  • When no application is specified application is the default, and when no profile is specified default is used.spring-doc.cn

CredHub Backend

Spring Cloud Config Server supports CredHub as a backend for configuration properties. You can enable this feature by adding a dependency to Spring CredHub.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses mutual TLS to access a CredHub:spring-doc.cn

    active: credhub
          url: https://credhub:8844

The properties should be stored as JSON, such as:spring-doc.cn

credhub set --name "/demo-app/default/master/toggles" --type=json
value: {"toggle.button": "blue", "toggle.link": "red"}
credhub set --name "/demo-app/default/master/abs" --type=json
value: {"marketing.enabled": true, "external.enabled": false}

All client applications with the name spring.cloud.config.name=demo-app will have the following properties available to them:spring-doc.cn

    toggle.button: "blue",
    toggle.link: "red",
    marketing.enabled: true,
    external.enabled: false
When no profile is specified default will be used and when no label is specified master will be used as a default value. NOTE: Values added to application will be shared by all the applications.
OAuth 2.0

You can authenticate with OAuth 2.0 using UAA as a provider.spring-doc.cn


The following configuration uses OAuth 2.0 and UAA to access a CredHub:spring-doc.cn

    active: credhub
          url: https://credhub:8844
            registration-id: credhub-client
            provider: uaa
            client-id: credhub_config_server
            client-secret: asecret
            authorization-grant-type: client_credentials
            token-uri: https://uaa:8443/oauth/token
The used UAA client-id should have credhub.read as scope.

Composite Environment Repositories

In some scenarios, you may wish to pull configuration data from multiple environment repositories. To do so, you can enable the composite profile in your configuration server’s application properties or YAML file. If, for example, you want to pull configuration data from a Subversion repository as well as two Git repositories, you can set the following properties for your configuration server:spring-doc.cn

    active: composite
          type: svn
          uri: file:///path/to/svn/repo
          type: git
          uri: file:///path/to/rex/git/repo
          type: git
          uri: file:///path/to/walter/git/repo

Using this configuration, precedence is determined by the order in which repositories are listed under the composite key. In the above example, the Subversion repository is listed first, so a value found in the Subversion repository will override values found for the same property in one of the Git repositories. A value found in the rex Git repository will be used before a value found for the same property in the walter Git repository.spring-doc.cn

If you want to pull configuration data only from repositories that are each of distinct types, you can enable the corresponding profiles, rather than the composite profile, in your configuration server’s application properties or YAML file. If, for example, you want to pull configuration data from a single Git repository and a single HashiCorp Vault server, you can set the following properties for your configuration server:spring-doc.cn

    active: git, vault
          uri: file:///path/to/git/repo
          order: 2
          port: 8200
          order: 1

Using this configuration, precedence can be determined by an order property. You can use the order property to specify the priority order for all your repositories. The lower the numerical value of the order property, the higher priority it has. The priority order of a repository helps resolve any potential conflicts between repositories that contain values for the same properties.spring-doc.cn

If your composite environment includes a Vault server as in the previous example, you must include a Vault token in every request made to the configuration server. See Vault Backend.
Any type of failure when retrieving values from an environment repository results in a failure for the entire composite environment. If you would like the composite to continue even when a repository fails you can set spring.cloud.config.server.failOnCompositeError to false.
When using a composite environment, it is important that all repositories contain the same labels. If you have an environment similar to those in the preceding examples and you request configuration data with the master label but the Subversion repository does not contain a branch called master, the entire request fails.
Custom Composite Environment Repositories

In addition to using one of the environment repositories from Spring Cloud, you can also provide your own EnvironmentRepository bean to be included as part of a composite environment. To do so, your bean must implement the EnvironmentRepository interface. If you want to control the priority of your custom EnvironmentRepository within the composite environment, you should also implement the Ordered interface and override the getOrdered method. If you do not implement the Ordered interface, your EnvironmentRepository is given the lowest priority.spring-doc.cn

Property Overrides

The Config Server has an “overrides” feature that lets the operator provide configuration properties to all applications. The overridden properties cannot be accidentally changed by the application with the normal Spring Boot hooks. To declare overrides, add a map of name-value pairs to spring.cloud.config.server.overrides, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

          foo: bar

The preceding examples causes all applications that are config clients to read foo=bar, independent of their own configuration.spring-doc.cn

A configuration system cannot force an application to use configuration data in any particular way. Consequently, overrides are not enforceable. However, they do provide useful default behavior for Spring Cloud Config clients.
Normally, Spring environment placeholders with ${} can be escaped (and resolved on the client) by using backslash (\) to escape the $ or the {. For example, \${app.foo:bar} resolves to bar, unless the app provides its own app.foo.
In YAML, you do not need to escape the backslash itself. However, in properties files, you do need to escape the backslash, when you configure the overrides on the server.

You can change the priority of all overrides in the client to be more like default values, letting applications supply their own values in environment variables or System properties, by setting the spring.cloud.config.overrideNone=true flag (the default is false) in the remote repository.spring-doc.cn

Health Indicator

Config Server comes with a Health Indicator that checks whether the configured EnvironmentRepository is working. By default, it asks the EnvironmentRepository for an application named app, the default profile, and the default label provided by the EnvironmentRepository implementation.spring-doc.cn

You can configure the Health Indicator to check more applications along with custom profiles and custom labels, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

              label: mylabel
              name: myservice
              profiles: development

You can disable the Health Indicator by setting management.health.config.enabled=false.spring-doc.cn


You can secure your Config Server in any way that makes sense to you (from physical network security to OAuth2 bearer tokens), because Spring Security and Spring Boot offer support for many security arrangements.spring-doc.cn

To use the default Spring Boot-configured HTTP Basic security, include Spring Security on the classpath (for example, through spring-boot-starter-security). The default is a username of user and a randomly generated password. A random password is not useful in practice, so we recommend you configure the password (by setting spring.security.user.password) and encrypt it (see below for instructions on how to do that).spring-doc.cn

Actuator and Security

Some platforms configure health checks or something similar and point to /actuator/health or other actuator endpoints. If actuator is not a dependency of config server, requests to /actuator/ would match the config server API /{application}/{label} possibly leaking secure information. Remember to add the spring-boot-starter-actuator dependency in this case and configure the users such that the user that makes calls to /actuator/ does not have access to the config server API at /{application}/{label}.

Encryption and Decryption

To use the encryption and decryption features you need the full-strength JCE installed in your JVM (it is not included by default). You can download the “Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files” from Oracle and follow the installation instructions (essentially, you need to replace the two policy files in the JRE lib/security directory with the ones that you downloaded).

If the remote property sources contain encrypted content (values starting with {cipher}), they are decrypted before sending to clients over HTTP. The main advantage of this setup is that the property values need not be in plain text when they are “at rest” (for example, in a git repository). If a value cannot be decrypted, it is removed from the property source and an additional property is added with the same key but prefixed with invalid and a value that means “not applicable” (usually <n/a>). This is largely to prevent cipher text being used as a password and accidentally leaking.spring-doc.cn

If you set up a remote config repository for config client applications, it might contain an application.yml similar to the following:spring-doc.cn

    username: dbuser
    password: '{cipher}FKSAJDFGYOS8F7GLHAKERGFHLSAJ'

Encrypted values in application.properties file must not be wrapped in quotes. Otherwise, the value is not decrypted. The following example shows values that would work:spring-doc.cn

spring.datasource.username: dbuser
spring.datasource.password: {cipher}FKSAJDFGYOS8F7GLHAKERGFHLSAJ

You can safely push this plain text to a shared git repository, and the secret password remains protected.spring-doc.cn

The server also exposes /encrypt and /decrypt endpoints (on the assumption that these are secured and only accessed by authorized agents). If you edit a remote config file, you can use the Config Server to encrypt values by POSTing to the /encrypt endpoint, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ curl localhost:8888/encrypt -s -d mysecret
If you are testing with curl, then use --data-urlencode (instead of -d) and prefix the value to encrypt with = (curl requires this) or set an explicit Content-Type: text/plain to make sure curl encodes the data correctly when there are special characters ('+' is particularly tricky).
Be sure not to include any of the curl command statistics in the encrypted value, this is why the examples use the -s option to silence them. Outputting the value to a file can help avoid this problem.

The inverse operation is also available through /decrypt (provided the server is configured with a symmetric key or a full key pair), as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ curl localhost:8888/decrypt -s -d 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda

Take the encrypted value and add the {cipher} prefix before you put it in the YAML or properties file and before you commit and push it to a remote (potentially insecure) store.spring-doc.cn

The /encrypt and /decrypt endpoints also both accept paths in the form of /*/{application}/{profiles}, which can be used to control cryptography on a per-application (name) and per-profile basis when clients call into the main environment resource.spring-doc.cn

To control the cryptography in this granular way, you must also provide a @Bean of type TextEncryptorLocator that creates a different encryptor per name and profiles. The one that is provided by default does not do so (all encryptions use the same key).

The spring command line client (with Spring Cloud CLI extensions installed) can also be used to encrypt and decrypt, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ spring encrypt mysecret --key foo
$ spring decrypt --key foo 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda

To use a key in a file (such as an RSA public key for encryption), prepend the key value with "@" and provide the file path, as shown in the following example:spring-doc.cn

$ spring encrypt mysecret --key @${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
The --key argument is mandatory (despite having a -- prefix).

Key Management

The Config Server can use a symmetric (shared) key or an asymmetric one (RSA key pair). The asymmetric choice is superior in terms of security, but it is often more convenient to use a symmetric key since it is a single property value to configure in the application.properties.spring-doc.cn

To configure a symmetric key, you need to set encrypt.key to a secret String (or use the ENCRYPT_KEY environment variable to keep it out of plain-text configuration files).spring-doc.cn

If you include spring-cloud-starter-bootstrap on the classpath or set spring.cloud.bootstrap.enabled=true as a system property, you will need to set encrypt.key in bootstrap.properties.
You cannot configure an asymmetric key using encrypt.key.

To configure an asymmetric key use a keystore (e.g. as created by the keytool utility that comes with the JDK). The keystore properties are encrypt.keyStore.* with * equal tospring-doc.cn

Property Description


Contains a Resource locationspring-doc.cn


Holds the password that unlocks the keystorespring-doc.cn


Identifies which key in the store to usespring-doc.cn


The type of KeyStore to create. Defaults to jks.spring-doc.cn

The encryption is done with the public key, and a private key is needed for decryption. Thus, in principle, you can configure only the public key in the server if you want to only encrypt (and are prepared to decrypt the values yourself locally with the private key). In practice, you might not want to do decrypt locally, because it spreads the key management process around all the clients, instead of concentrating it in the server. On the other hand, it can be a useful option if your config server is relatively insecure and only a handful of clients need the encrypted properties.spring-doc.cn

Creating a Key Store for Testing

To create a keystore for testing, you can use a command resembling the following:spring-doc.cn

$ keytool -genkeypair -alias mytestkey -keyalg RSA \
  -dname "CN=Web Server,OU=Unit,O=Organization,L=City,S=State,C=US" \
  -keypass changeme -keystore server.jks -storepass letmein
When using JDK 11 or above you may get the following warning when using the command above. In this case you probably want to make sure the keypass and storepass values match.
Warning:  Different store and key passwords not supported for PKCS12 KeyStores. Ignoring user-specified -keypass value.

Put the server.jks file in the classpath (for instance) and then, in your bootstrap.yml, for the Config Server, create the following settings:spring-doc.cn

    location: classpath:/server.jks
    password: letmein
    alias: mytestkey
    secret: changeme

Using Multiple Keys and Key Rotation

In addition to the {cipher} prefix in encrypted property values, the Config Server looks for zero or more {name:value} prefixes before the start of the (Base64 encoded) cipher text. The keys are passed to a TextEncryptorLocator, which can do whatever logic it needs to locate a TextEncryptor for the cipher. If you have configured a keystore (encrypt.keystore.location), the default locator looks for keys with aliases supplied by the key prefix, with a cipher text like resembling the following:spring-doc.cn

  bar: `{cipher}{key:testkey}...`

The locator looks for a key named "testkey". A secret can also be supplied by using a {secret:…​} value in the prefix. However, if it is not supplied, the default is to use the keystore password (which is what you get when you build a keystore and do not specify a secret). If you do supply a secret, you should also encrypt the secret using a custom SecretLocator.spring-doc.cn

When the keys are being used only to encrypt a few bytes of configuration data (that is, they are not being used elsewhere), key rotation is hardly ever necessary on cryptographic grounds. However, you might occasionally need to change the keys (for example, in the event of a security breach). In that case, all the clients would need to change their source config files (for example, in git) and use a new {key:…​} prefix in all the ciphers. Note that the clients need to first check that the key alias is available in the Config Server keystore.spring-doc.cn

If you want to let the Config Server handle all encryption as well as decryption, the {name:value} prefixes can also be added as plain text posted to the /encrypt endpoint, .

Serving Encrypted Properties

Sometimes you want the clients to decrypt the configuration locally, instead of doing it in the server. In that case, if you provide the encrypt.* configuration to locate a key, you can still have /encrypt and /decrypt endpoints, but you need to explicitly switch off the decryption of outgoing properties by placing spring.cloud.config.server.encrypt.enabled=false in bootstrap.[yml|properties]. If you do not care about the endpoints, it should work if you do not configure either the key or the enabled flag.spring-doc.cn