Reply ContentType

If you are using a sophisticated message converter, such as the ContentTypeDelegatingMessageConverter, you can control the content type of the reply by setting the replyContentType property on the listener. This allows the converter to select the appropriate delegate converter for the

@RabbitListener(queues = "q1", messageConverter = "delegating",
        replyContentType = "application/json")
public Thing2 listen(Thing1 in) {

By default, for backwards compatibility, any content type property set by the converter will be overwritten by this value after conversion. Converters such as the SimpleMessageConverter use the reply type rather than the content type to determine the conversion needed and sets the content type in the reply message appropriately. This may not be the desired action and can be overridden by setting the converterWinsContentType property to false. For example, if you return a String containing JSON, the SimpleMessageConverter will set the content type in the reply to text/plain. The following configuration will ensure the content type is set properly, even if the SimpleMessageConverter is

@RabbitListener(queues = "q1", replyContentType = "application/json",
        converterWinsContentType = "false")
public String listen(Thing in) {
    return someJsonString;

These properties (replyContentType and converterWinsContentType) do not apply when the return type is a Spring AMQP Message or a Spring Messaging Message<?>. In the first case, there is no conversion involved; simply set the contentType message property. In the second case, the behavior is controlled using message

@RabbitListener(queues = "q1", messageConverter = "delegating")
public Message<String> listen(String in) {
    return MessageBuilder.withPayload(in.toUpperCase())
            .setHeader(MessageHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/xml")

This content type will be passed in the MessageProperties to the converter. By default, for backwards compatibility, any content type property set by the converter will be overwritten by this value after conversion. If you wish to override that behavior, also set the AmqpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE_CONVERTER_WINS to true and any value set by the converter will be