For the latest stable version, please use Spring AMQP 3.2.0! |
Proxy @RabbitListener
and Generics
If your service is intended to be proxied (for example, in the case of @Transactional
), you should keep in mind some considerations when
the interface has generic parameters.
Consider the following example:
interface TxService<P> {
String handle(P payload, String header);
static class TxServiceImpl implements TxService<Foo> {
public String handle(Thing thing, String rk) {
With a generic interface and a particular implementation, you are forced to switch to the CGLIB target class proxy because the actual implementation of the interface
method is a bridge method.
In the case of transaction management, the use of CGLIB is configured by using
an annotation option: @EnableTransactionManagement(proxyTargetClass = true)
And in this case, all annotations have to be declared on the target method in the implementation, as the following example shows:
static class TxServiceImpl implements TxService<Foo> {
public String handle(@Payload Foo foo, @Header("amqp_receivedRoutingKey") String rk) {