For the latest stable version, please use Spring LDAP 3.2.6!

For the latest stable version, please use Spring LDAP 3.2.6!

Spring LDAP has built-in support for Spring Data repositories. The basic functionality and configuration is described here. When working with Spring LDAP repositories, you should remember the

  • You can enable Spring LDAP repositories by using an <ldap:repositories> element in your XML configuration or by using an @EnableLdapRepositories annotation on a configuration

  • To include support for LdapQuery parameters in automatically generated repositories, have your interface extend LdapRepository rather than

  • All Spring LDAP repositories must work with entities that are annotated with the ODM annotations, as described in Object-Directory Mapping (ODM)

  • Since all ODM managed classes must have a Distinguished Name as the ID, all Spring LDAP repositories must have the ID type parameter set to javax.naming.Name. The built-in LdapRepository takes only one type parameter: the managed entity class, defaulting the ID to

  • Due to specifics of the LDAP protocol, paging and sorting are not supported for Spring LDAP

QueryDSL support

Basic QueryDSL support is included in Spring LDAP. This support includes the

  • An annotation processor, called LdapAnnotationProcessor, for generating QueryDSL classes based on Spring LDAP ODM annotations. See Object-Directory Mapping (ODM) for more information on the ODM

  • A Query implementation, called QueryDslLdapQuery, for building and running QueryDSL queries in

  • Spring Data repository support for QueryDSL predicates. QueryDslPredicateExecutor includes a number of additional methods with appropriate parameters. You can extend this interface along with LdapRepository to include this support in your