For the latest stable version, please use Spring Data Elasticsearch 5.4.0!

Upgrading from 4.0.x to 4.1.x

This section describes breaking changes from version 4.0.x to 4.1.x and how removed features can be replaced by new introduced


Definition of the id property

It is possible to define a property of en entity as the id property by naming it either id or document. This behaviour is now deprecated and will produce a warning. Please use the @Id annotation to mark a property as being the id

Index mappings

In the ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices interface the updateMapping methods are deprecated in favour of the putMapping methods. They do the same, but putMapping is consistent with the naming in the Elasticsearch

Alias handling

In the IndexOperations interface the methods addAlias(AliasQuery), removeAlias(AliasQuery) and queryForAlias() have been deprecated. The new methods alias(AliasAction), getAliases(String…​) and getAliasesForIndex(String…​) offer more functionality and a cleaner


Usage of a parent-id has been removed from Elasticsearch since version 6. We now deprecate the corresponding fields and


Type mappings

The type mappings parameters of the @Document annotation and the IndexCoordinates object were removed. They had been deprecated in Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.0 and their values weren’t used

Breaking Changes

Return types of ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices methods

The methods in the ReactiveElasticsearchClient.Indices were not used up to now. With the introduction of the ReactiveIndexOperations it became necessary to change some of the return

  • the createIndex variants now return a Mono<Boolean> instead of a Mono<Void> to signal successful index

  • the updateMapping variants now return a Mono<Boolean> instead of a Mono<Void> to signal successful mappings

Return types of DocumentOperations.bulkIndex methods

These methods were returning a List<String> containing the ids of the new indexed records. Now they return a List<IndexedObjectInformation>; these objects contain the id and information about optimistic locking (seq_no and primary_term)